

Saturday, May 28, 2011

And We're Off!

Today we left for St. Louis. And yes, we did indeed leave before 5:30 a.m.!

We started our trip with prayer for safety in our travels. Our wonderful drivers were Jessica and Melody.

For lunch, we stopped at Cracker Barrel in Tennessee. While waiting for our tables, we just had to try out the checkers game.

That one ended a tie: four kings on four kings. We finally gave up.

Our cousin and some friends joined us for lunch and we had a lovely time fellowshipping for a few hours.

In thirteen hours, we passed through five different states (Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Missouri).

We were so grateful to finally cross the Missouri state line!

At around 6:40 p.m., we reached Uncle Mark and Aunt Amy's all in one piece! We got down to business after unloading the car and eating supper.

The "business?" Playing games, of course!

Second type of "business:" figuring out this whole blogging thing so we can keep you all updated {hopefully!}.

Check back for more interesting future posts!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Hi, everyone!

I am so glad you are enjoying your trip, and I hope you continue to have fun and be safe.

Jessica, I am looking forward to seeing how your blog goes. :)