

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Homeward Bound!!! {Wednesday}

Our goal was to leave for 6:00 Wednesday morning…We didn’t make it…At 6:40 we finally had everything in the car and were saying our last goodbyes. It was a little sad to see our vacation come to an end, but I think we were all ready to head home!

The beginning of our trip was rather quiet, everyone catching up on sleep, reading their Bibles, etc.

For lunch we decided on one more special stop – Olive Garden!

After a delicious meal and a much needed break off of the road, we all climbed back into the car for the remainder of our trip. However, this time, we decided to have some fun to help the hours pass more quickly… So we pulled Buzz Word and Mad Gab out of the trunk and spent the next four hours giggling and having a crazy, but fun, time!

Our family was more than ready for us to be home, and we had quite a welcome committee waiting for us at the door. Our little sisters had decorated the house with paper chains and a huge ‘Welcome Home’ banner!

Over all we had an amazing time and I am so glad that we were able to make this trip and spend these 12 days together!

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